Monday, November 2, 2015

Rosh Pina and the Early Census Data 1882

Monday, December 10, 2012

Rosh Pina and the Early Census Data 1882

Rosh Pina, one of the earliest Jewish agricultural settlements, was founded 130 years ago this week on December 12, 1882. Actually, it was first founded in 1878, when a group of young pioneers from the nearby town of Safed broke with centuries of tradition by setting out to live as farmers rather than off handouts from European Jewish communities. Unfortunately, they didn't much know what they were doing, and the attempt failed. The 1882 group was made up mostly of new immigrants from Romania and some Russians, and although they too had to overcome massive hardship and for a while the existence of their village depended on the largess of the Rothschilds, eventually they pulled through, and their village is still there to this very day. (Different individuals, though.)

If you're a stickler, the December date wasn't accurate, either: some of the new settlers arrived earlier that year. On December 12, 1882, however, they had their first significant rainfall of the year, which meant they could now sow their first crops. So they had a celebration and marked the event as their beginning. The symbolism may have been bolstered by the connection between the name they had chosen--"Rosh Pina," which means "capstone" and comes from Psalms 118:22--and the holiday of Hanukkah, when the psalm is sung in the Hallel section of services.

The photos, above and below, are of course from a later date, and are from our Zoltan Kluger collection, which means they would have been taken between 1933-1950.

In 1903, there were 292 people in Rosh Pina, and this brings us to a second subject: the Nufus books and early modern census data. Rulers have been counting their subjects for as long as there have been rulers, so as to know how much taxes to collect and occasionally how many men to recruit for their armies. The firmness of the Ottoman rule in the Levant, however, had been loosening for generations, until in the late 19th century they tried to re-estabish it--and what better way to start than by counting folks? Their first broadly successful attempt was in the 1880s, followed by additional rounds in 1903-5, and shortly before WW1. Here's a sheet from the census taken in Rosh Pina in 1903: 

And the summary written by the local headman, Yehoshua Ben Aryeh

Only adult men were listed (taxpayers), and the years were according to the Muslim calender, i.e. since the Hijra, so that 1316=1900.

The Israel State Archives has 465 volumes of the Ottoman census data. The word "nufus" means "souls," similar to the way the Hebrew word "nefashot" can also simply mean "people." The volumes were collected by British Mandatory officials, and through them came into our possession. Most of them are Turkish written in Arabic characters, since the Turks adopted Latin characters only in the 20th century; a few of the volumes which are about Jews are in Hebrew. While not all equally reliable nor consistent, they have the potential to give a fascinating and important documented perspective on who lived where in this conflicted little land before and during the earliest stages of Zionist activity. To fully grasp that picture, someone will need to scan them all, then decipher the data into a well-planned database with the capability to track recurring names, families and individuals, and connect them to identified places on the map, and so on. As the ISA is about to launch a large-scale scanning project, we hope the entire collection will soon be scanned. Perhaps we'll attempt to do the labor-intensive deciphering with a spot of crowdsourcing further down the line.

You can see some more information about the collection on our website.

A guide to the "Nufus Books" in the Israel State Archives (in Hebrew only)

The Israel State Archives holds a special collection of Ottoman population censuses carried out in Palestine from 1875 until the end of World War I. The census forms were bound together in the form of "Nufus books" (books of the souls) and provide raw data on the size and changing composition of the population of Palestine at this time. Most of those registered were Ottoman citizens: Muslims, Christians and Jews, who were divided into various sects and communities. Special "books" were devoted to the registration of foreigners who did not hold Ottoman citizenship.

The collection consists of 465 volumes, written in Ottoman Turkish, which have been numbered, catalogued and divided into six groups: basic books and drafts, foreigners, mukhtars (village heads), regional units, army and tax collection. It reveals the mosaic of religions and cultures which characterized Palestine at the end of the 19th century and for many years to come.

The Israel State Archives has published a guide to this collection which is on sale to the public. The guide includes an introduction giving the historical background to the collection, photographs, indexes and appendices to help the reader search the collection and to make it more accessible.

Edited and introduced by Jonathan Pagis
Jerusalem, Israel State Archives, 1997
248 pages

Price: 60 NIS, reductions for students, members and pensioners of the Civil Service and libraries.
To buy the guide please mail
Ottoman Population Censuses in Palestine 1875 - 1918

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