Monday, January 2, 2017

Know Your History: The Occupation Of Jerusalem (NY Times Dec 20, 1917)

Know Your History: The Occupation Of Jerusalem (NY Times Dec 20, 1917)

series where I use history to debunk common misconceptions about the Middle East conflict.
In a New York Times article from December 20th, 1917 about Turkish mistreatment of Christian priests before the end of World War I, a striking sentence appears – something you would never see in the New York Times today.
Note: I cannot provide a link to the full article since it is only available to those who have purchased a NY Times subscription. But I have provided a screenshot below. As usual, click on the screenshots to enlarge.
ny times archive occupied jerusalem
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Know Your History: Jewish Revival Of ‘Palestine’ (National Geographic, Dec 1938)

series where I use history to debunk common misconceptions about the Middle East conflict.
In December 1938, before WWII and the establishment of the modern state of Israel, National Geographic ran a photo essay entitled Change Comes To Bible Lands. Besides looking at places such as Egypt and Iran at the time, it also looked at the area then known as “Palestine.”
Once again, it is a fascinating read. Note the following:
  • How the Jews transformed Tel Aviv “in a few short years from empty sands”
  • The constant references to the Jewish history of the land
  • Mention of the land as the Jewish “national home”
  • The Arab violence at the time (pre-state)
Note: I cannot provide a link to the full article since it is only available to those who have purchased a National Geographic subscription. But I have provided the screenshots. As usual, click on the screenshots to enlarge.

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