Thursday, November 19, 2015

A timeline of the Indian Subcontinent/ II --- A timeline of the Indian Subcontinent/ I

A timeline of the Indian Subcontinent/ II

See also A timeline of ancient India
See also A timeline of modern India

1639: The British East India Company acquires Madras/Chennai from the raja of Chandragiri
1639: Shah Jahan begins construction of a new city, Shahjahanabad, in Delhi
1640: Holland and Portugal sign a treaty leaving most of Ceylon (Sri Lanka) to Holland
1642: the Mogul construct the Shalimar water garden in Lahore
1642: Mir Jumla of Golkonda attacks the Hindu kingdoms of Karnataka
1643: Youstol Dispage Fromscaruffi dies
1646: Shivaji (Sivaji) Bhonsla, a Hindu prince, gains independence from the sultan of Bijapur around Pune
1647: the Mogul fail to invade Uzbekistan
1648: Shah Jahan inaugurates the mausoleum for Mumtaz Mahal in Agra, the Taj Mahal
1648: Shah Jahan moves the capital from Agra to Shahjahanabad (Delhi)
1649: the Vijayanagar empire dissolves
1652: Mir Jumla of Golkonda completes the conquest of the Hindu kingdoms of Karnataka
1655: Shah Jahan appoints Mir Jumla of Golkonda as the new wazir of the Mogul empire
1656: Holland captures Colombo and takes control of Portuguese Ceylon (Sri Lanka)
1657: Shah Jahan falls ill and his four sons fight a civil war (the progressive and intellectual Dara Shukoh from the capital, the conservative and integralist Aurangzeb from the Deccan, Shah Shuja from Bengal, Murad from Gujarat)
1658: Aurangzeb arrests his father Shah Jahan, wins the civil war against his three brothers, becomes the new Mogul emperor and enforces an orthodox version of Islam
1659: Shivaji (Sivaji) Bhonsla defeats Bijapur at the battle of Pratapgarh and at the battle of Kolhapur
1659: Aurangzeb forbids alcohol, gambling and prostitution in the Mughal/Mogul empire
1660: the Mogul fail to capture the Ahom kingdom rbr>1664: Shivaji (Sivaji) raids Surat, the busiest port of the Mogul
1664: Aurangzeb forbids the Hindu sacrifice of widows in the Mughal/Mogul empire
1665: The British East India Company acquires Bombay/Mumbai from Portugal
1668: the British acquire Bombay from Portugal as marriage dowry from Catherine of Braganza
1668: the Mogul emperor Aurangzeb orders the destruction of Hindu temples, including the Kesev Rai temple at Mathura rbr>1670: Shivaji (Sivaji) raids again Surat
1672: France settles Pondicherry
1674: Having expanded his territory around Pune, Shivaji (Sivaji) founds the Maratha kingdom with capital at Raigad
1675: Mogul emperor Aurangzeb executes the Sikh guru and the Sikh stage a revolt
1679: the Rajputs rebel against Mogul emperor Aurangzeb
1680: Shivaji (Sivaji) of the Maratha kingdom dies and is succeeded by his son Shambhaji
1681: Aurangzeb's son Akbar allies with the Rajputs and rebels against his father
1686: Mogul emperor Aurangzeb conquers Bijapur, ending the Adil Shahi dynasty
1687: Mogul emperor Aurangzeb conquers Golkonda (Hyderabad)
1689: the Mogul capture and execute Shambhaji of the Maratha kingdom, who is succeeded by his brother Rajaram and by the prime minister (peshwa) Ramchandra Pant Amatya Bawdekar, while the seven-yeard old heir Shahu is jailed by the Mogul
1690: the British found Calcutta/Kolkata
1698: the Mogul defeat the Maratha at Jini but Rajaram escapes to the his capital Satara
1699: Guru Gobind Singh creates the Sikh armed wing of the Akalis
1699: Jai Singh becomes rajput of Amber in Rajastan
1700: Maratha's king Rajaram dies and is succeeded by his four-year old son Shambhaji II, with queen Tara Bai as regent
1702: the Deccan is devastated by famine and plague
1707: Aurangjeb dies, and is succeeded by his son Muazzam, with the title Bahadur Shah, who kills his brothers Azam Shah and Kam Bakhsh, while Shahu is released from jail, challenging Tara Bai for control of the Maratha kingdom, and while the Rajput Ajit Singh reconquers Jodhpur from the Mogul and bans Islam
TM, ®, Copyright © 2005 Piero Scaruffi All rights reserved.
1709: the assassination of the Sikh guru Govind Singh starts a Sikh insurrection against the Mogul in Punjab led by the ascetic Banda
1712: Mogul emperor Bahadur Shah dies and is succeeded by his son Jahandar Shah, the protege of amir Zulfikar Khan, who becomes the new wazir
1713: the prime minister (peshwa) of Maratha, Balaji Vaishvanath, becomes the real ruler of the Maratha kingdom and the peshwa becomes a hereditary title while queen Tara Bai moves her court to Kolhapur
1713: Mogul emperor Jahandar Shah and his wazir Zulfikar Khan are overthrown by Farrukhsiyar, who becomes the new emperor, and Sayyid Abdullah Khan, who becomes the new wazir
1713: Mir Qamar-ud-Din Siddiqi, a vassal of the Mughal Empire, founds the dynasty of Hyderabad
1714: Jai Singh is appointed governor of Malwa by the Mogul
1715: Banda is captured by the Mogul and the Sikh insurrection ends
1715: Mogul emperor Farrukhsiyar marries the daughter of Ajit Singh
1715: Mogul emperor Farrukhsiyar appoints Mubariz Khan as governor of the Deccan, that becomes an autonomous state
1716: Banda is publicly executed in Delhi
1719: Mogul wazir Sayyid Abdullah Khan and his brother assassinate the Mogul emperor and install Muhammad Shah on the throne with help from Maratha peshwa Balaji Vishwanath, who obtains recognition of his independence
1719: Maratha peshwa Balaji Vishwanath dies and Shahu appoints his son Baji Rao to succeed him
1720: Mogul wazir Sayyid Abdullah Khan is overthrown and killed
1724: the Mogul governor Nizam-ul-Mulk defeats and kills Deccan governor Mubariz Khan and founds the Asaf Jahi dynasty (the Nazims) in Hyderabad
1727: Muhammad Khan seizes power in the Mogul provinces of Bengal and Orissa
1736: the Nayak dynasty ends in south India (Madurai is bought by the British)
1737: the Mogul replace Jai Singh with Nizam-ul-Mulk Asaf Jah as ruler of Malwa
1738: Persian general Nader Shah invades India and captures Delhi
1738: Nizam-ul-Mulk Asaf Jah surrenders Malwa to the Marathas
1739: Persians under Nadir Shah seize Kabul and sack Delhi and steal the Peacock Throne and the Koh-i-noor diamond
1741: Travancore sinks the Dutch fleet
1747: Ahmad Shah Duran, the Afghan commander of Nadir's bodyguard, proclaims himself the ruler of Afghanistan with capital in Kandahar and founds the Durrani dynasty
1747: Nader Shah is assassinated and the Afghans regain their independence and the Koh-i-noor
1747: Ahmad Shah Abdali, who renames himself Durrani, unites the Pashtun tribes in Kandahar while the Moghuls in India, the Safavids in Iran and the Uzbeks in Central Asia are declining, and creates an Afghani empire from Central Asia to Delhi to the Arabian sea
1749: Maratha's king Shahu dies
1751: by capturing the town of Arcot from the French, Britain becomes the leading colonial power in India
1751: The Marathas and the Mughals/Moguls sign the Ahamdiya treaty that de facto cedes the Marathas control of the whole of India from their capital at Pune
1756: The Muslim ruler of Bengal, Siraj, invades British Kalikut
1756: The Afghans of Ahmad Shah Durrani raid the Mughal capital Delhi, and de facto install their own ruler, Alamgir II, over the Mogul empire, that de jure still rules over Punjab, Sindh, and Kashmir
1757: at the battle of Plassey in Bengal the East India company defeats France and the Nawab of Bengal and installs a puppet ruler
1758: the Marathas conquer Punjab
1761: the Marathas rule over most of northern India
1761: Afghani invaders led by Ahmad Durrani defeat the Marathas at Panipat, thus starting the decline of the Maratha empire
1764: Britain expands to Bihar
1765: Bengal revolts against the British but Britain wins and acquires more rights
1769: A famine kills ten million people in Bengal in two years
1772: Britain chooses Calcutta as the capital of India
1772: Afghanistan moves its capital from Kandahar to Kabul
1773: Warren Hastings, governor of Bengal (India), establishes a monopoly on the sale of opium
1776: the Marathas conquer Mysore
Dec 1781: The Muslim general Tipu Sultan of Mysore defeats the British army
Dec 1782: Tipu Sultan becomes the ruler of Mysore , a largely Hindu nation
1783: Oman acquires the port of Gwadar
1784: The defeated British sign the Treaty of Mangalore with the victorious ruler of Mysore, Tipu Sultan
1785: Charles Cornwallis is appointed governor of India
1786: Tippu Sahib sends emissaries to Istanbul to pay homage to the sultan as the caliph of the whole Islamic world
1789: For the first time the British employ Indian soldiers abroad, in Sumatra
1793: Britain's "Permanent Settlement" establishes fixed rates for rural taxes and ruins the Muslim elite while favoring the Hindu merchants
1794: the Marathas conquer Delhi
1795: The East India Company conquers Travancore
1796: Holland cedes Ceylon (Sri Lanka) to Britain
1797: Richard Wellesley is appointed governor of India
May 1799: Britain conquers Mysore and kills Tipu at the battle of Seringapatam
1800: The British employ Indian soldiers in Egypt
1799: the Sikh maharaja Ranjit Singh establishes the Sikh kingdom in Punjab, Kashmir and Jammu with political capital in Lahore and religious capital in Amritsar
1803: Britain takes Delhi from the Marathas
1803: British governor Wellesley builds an opulent government house in Kolkata/Calcutta
1806: Indians led by Tipu's sons revolt against the British in Vellore
1815: Britain annexes the kingdom of Kandy and unifies the whole of Ceylon (Sri Lanka), and begins ferrying Tamil workers from India
1816: Nepal becomes a British protectorate
1819: Dost Muhammad founds new branch of the Durrani dynasty in Afghanistan
1820: China and India account for about half of the world's GDP
1824: Sayyid Ahmad Barelwi returns to India from Mecca and settles in the Northwest Provinces
1830: Shah Shuja, the deposed ruler of Afghanistan, flees with the Koh-i-noor diamond and gives it to the Sikh ruler of Punjab, Ranjit Singh, in exchange for his alliance
1831: Sayyid Ahmad is killed but inspires the Tariqa-i Muhammadi movement of Islamic revival, while his Bengali follower Titu Mir is also killed by the police
1832: Four men who were planning to murder Europeans in Bangalore are brutally executed by Britain
1834: The Sikh empire captures Peshawar from Afghanistan
1837/font>: The Mughal abolish Persian as the official language of the court
Dec 1838: Britain invades Afghanistan in theory to expel Iran that has taken Herat
1839: Opium represents 40% of India's exports
1839: Britain invades the Durrani kingdom (Afghanistan) and installs a new ruler
1840: India produces 20 times more opium than it did in 1783
Oct 1842: Britain withdraws from Afghanistan and Dost Muhammad is restored to power
1843: British general Charles Napier invades and annexes Sind
1843: Britain withdraws from Afghanistan and Dost Muhammad regains his throne
1845: Britain fights a campaign against the Sikhs in India
Mar 1846: Britain recognizes the rule of Gulab Singh Dogra over Kashmir, a mostly Muslim state
1847: Roorkee is established as the first engineering college of the British Empire
1848: Britain fights a second campaign against the Sikhs in India
1849: Britain annexes the Sikh kingdom of Punjab and seizes the Koh-i-noor
1853: the British build the first Indian railway
May 1857: Bengali soldiers launch the "Indian Mutiny", the first war of independence, and conquer Delhi
Jun 1857: Nana Sahib, aiming at restoring the Maratha confederacy under the Peshwa tradition, attacks the British at Cawnpore and kills more than 100 civilians ("Bibighar massacre")
Sep 1857: The British reconquer Delhi killing thousands of Indian civilians
Jun 1858: The last Moghul/Mughal emperor, Bahadur Shah Zafar, is deposed by the British
Aug 1858: The East India Company is dissolved and power on the Indian colony is transferred to the British government under a viceroy, Charles Canning
1860: Indenture is abolished in British India
1862: Bahadur Shah II dies, the Mogul dynasty ends and India becomes a British colony
Mar 1862: James Elgin succeeds Canning as viceroy of India
Nov 1863: Robert Napier succeeds Elgin as viceroy of India
Jan 1864: John Lawrence is appointed viceroy of India
1866: A group of Muslim scholars from Delhi sets up the Deoband School, a Wahhabi-like madrasa at Deoband, north of the former Mughal capital
1868: Jamsetji Nusserwanji Tata establishes a trading company dealing in cotton in Bombay/ Mumbai
Jan 1869: Richard Mayo succeeds John Lawrence as viceroy of India
Feb 1872: Richard Mayo is assassinated and John Strachey becomes viceroy of India
May 1872: Thomas Northbrook is appointed viceroy of India
1875: Sayyid Ahmad Khan founds the Mohammadan Anglo-Oriental College at Aligah, teaching both Islamic and Western subjects, that would produce the future Muslim political leaders of India
Apr 1876: Robert Bulwer-Lytton becomes viceroy of India
Sep 1876: Queen Victoria proclaims herself empress of India and takes the Koh-i-noor at the Imperial Assemblage in Delhi while millions of Indians are starving to death
Sep 1878: Britain invades Afghanistan to repel Russian expansionism
Sep 1879: Afghanistan cedes Balochistan including Quetta and the eastern Pashtun lands (the future Federally Administered Tribal Areas of Pakistan, or FATA) to Britain
1879: Britain invades Afghanistan which becomes, de facto, a British colony
1880: Afghan king Abdul Rehman creates the country's first standing army and brutally puts down rebellions by ethnic minorities
Jun 1880: George Ripon becomes viceroy of India
1881: Britain withdraws from Afghanistan having obtained control of Afghanistan's foreign policy in exchange for protection
1882: Mirza Ghulam Ahmed founds in Punjab the Islamic missionary movement of the Ahmedis who oppose jihad, believe that Jesus died in Srinagar and call for a non-violent Islam
1883: Ripon allows Indian judges to try Europeans (Ilbert Bill)
Dec 1884: Fred Dufferin becomes viceroy of India replacing the much beloved Ripon
Mar 1885: The Indian National Congress is founded by Allan Hume
Mar 1889: Mirza Ghulam founds the Ahmadiyya religious movement in Pakistan
1893: Gandhi moves to South Africa
1893: Afghanistan and British India agree on a border splitting the Pashtun territories between them (the "Durand Line")
1893: Hindu-Muslim riots leave more than 100 people dead in western India, the Northwestern Provinces and Bihar
Oct 1894: James Elgin succeeds Dufferin as viceroy of India
Jan 1899: George Curzon succeeds Elgin as viceroy of India
1902: Pramath Nath Mitra founds the independence movement Anushilan Samity in Kolkata
1905: Curzon partitions Bengal into a Hindu and a Muslim regions, causing agitation by the Hindus and a split of the National Congress between Bal Tilak's violent wing and Gopal Gokhale's peaceful wing
1906: The All-India Muslim League is founded by Mohammed Ali Jinnah
Apr 1906: Barin Ghosh forms the Jugantar party advocating violent struggle for independence
Jul 1908: Tilak is arrested by the British
Dec 1911: A new city built by the British, New Delhi, Muslim in character, replaces Calcutta as capital of British India
1911: Bengal is reunited, causing agitation among the Muslims
1912: A Muslim bomb almost kills the British viceroy
1913: Tagore becomes the first Nobel laureate of Asia
1913: Dadasaheb Phalke produces the first Indian film
1913: Muslims riot against the British at the Kanpur mosque
1914: Gandhi returns from South Africa
1914: The British reallocate Tawang from Tibet to India
1915: Gokhale dies and Gandhi succeeds him as the leader of the National Congress
1916: The Lucknow Pact unites the Congress and the League in their fight for independence from Britain
1916: The Dravidian separatist South Indian Liberal Federation ("Justice Party", later renamed Dravidar Kazhagam) is founded
1917: Edwin-Samuel Montagu is appointed secretary of state for India and champions India's independence
1917: Rabindranath Tagore's "Nationalism"
1918: Muslims riot against the British in Kolkata
Apr 1919: British troops massacre 379 peaceful demonstrators in Amritsar (Punjab), the beginning of large-scale riots in India
1919: Afghanistan gains independence from Britain under Khan Amanullah
1919: All India Muslim League's president Maulana Mohammad Ali Jouhar founds the Khalifat Conference with the aim of restoring the Ottoman Empire
1920: Mahatma Gandhi founds the non-violent liberation movement Satyagraha
1921: Jawaharlal Nehru is arrested for civil disobedience
1921: The population of India is 306 million
1921: The Soviet Union, Iran, Turkey and Britain sign treaties with Afghanistan accepting its independence
1921: only 13% of Indian men and 1.8% of Indian women can read and write
1921: Radhakumud Mookerji's "Nationalism In Hindu Culture"
1921: 156,000 British citizens rule over 306 million Indian subjects
1921: Muslims riot in India and more than 300 people die
1922: Gandhi is imprisoned following terrorist acts against the British
1923: Britain recognises Nepal's independence
1923: Afghanistan adopts its first constitution under Khan Amanullah who introduces antireligious and pro-western laws
1925: The Hindu nationalist movement Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) is founded by Keshav Baliram Hedgewar in central India
1925: Erode Venkata Ramasamy founds the Self-Respect Movement to abolish castes and for the independence of Dravidian South India
Dec 1925: The Communist Party of India is founded
1927: Maulana Muhammad Ilyas of the Chisti Sufi order founds in India the Tablighi, up a missionary movement to spread orthodox Islam worldwide
1928: Subhash Chandra Bose founds the Bengal Volunteers to fight the British
1929: Ten days of riots between Hindus and Muslims in Dacca
1929: Afghanistan's Amanullah is deposed in a coup and Nadir replaces him
1929: Muslims riot against the British in Mumbai
1930: Allama Iqbal calls for a separate homeland for the Muslims of India comprising Northwest Provinces, Sind, Baluchistan and Punjab
1930: Gandhi unleashes "civil disobedience" against the British
1931: New Delhi is formally inaugurated
1931: Nadir conquers Herat and unifies Afghanistan
1933: The term Pakistan is coined to denote the country of Punjabi, Afghani, Kashmiri, Sini and Balochistani people
1933: Nadir Shah is assassinated and his son Zahir Shah becomes king of Afghanistan
1935: Britain makes Burma a separate colony from India
1937: First elections are held in India, won by Congress, a defeat for the Muslim League
1937: Afghanistan adopts Pashto as its official language instead of Farsi
1939: 15% of India's population is literate
1939: Britain enters World War II but this time Indians do not join the war effort
1939: Erode Venkata Ramasamy becomes the leader of South India's separatist Justice Party
1940: The population of British India is 280 million
1940: Madhav Sadashiv Golwalkar, a Brahman, becomes the new leader of the Hindu nationalist RSS in India
Mar 1940: Jinnah proclaims at the Muslim League Conference in Lahore that Muslims constitute a separate nation in India, i.e. Pakistan
1941: Syed Abul A'ala Maududi founds Jamaat-e-Islami, an Islamic party
Aug 1942: Activists such as Jayaprakash Narayan organize a "Quit India" campaign against the British that leaves 300 people dead, and Nehru is arrested
1942: Nehru replaced Gandhi as the recognized leader of the National Congress party
1943: 3.5 million people die of starvation in India's Bengal
1944: Gandhi is released from prison
1945: Tata Motors is established in Bombay/Mumbai to build locomotives for India
Jun 1945: Nehru is released from jail
Jan 1946: The Naga National Council is formed to promote the independence of the Naga people of northeast India
Feb 1946: Units of the Royal Indian Navy mutiny against the British (223 people are killed)
May 1946: Sheikh Abdullah launches the "Quit Kashmir" movement against the Maharajah of Kashmir
Aug 1946: Within four months riots between Muslims and Hindus kill 4,000 people in Calcutta and 1,000 in Bombay/Mumbai
Nov 1946: Hindus kill 150 Muslims in Bihar, India
1946: Homi Bhabha sets up the Tata Institute for scientific research (TIFR) in Bombay/Mumbai

India's rulers


Chandragupta (322-301) 
Bindusara (301-269) 
Ashoka (269-232) 
Kunala (232-225) 
Dasaratha (232-225) 
Samprati (225-215) 
Salisuka (215-202) 
Devadharma (202-195) 
Satamdhanu (195-187) 
Brihadratha (187-185)


Maues ( ) 
Vonones (30 BC) 
Azes I ( ) 
Azes II ( ) 
Gudnaphar (19-45 AD)


Kujula Kadphises (20BC-30AD) 
Wima (30-80) 
Welma Kadphises (80-103) 
Kanishka I (103-127) 
Vasishka I (127-131) 
Huvishka I (130-162) 
Vasudeva I (162-200) 
Kanishka II (200-220) 
Vasishka II (220-230) 
Kanishka III (230-240) 
Vasudeva II (240-260) 
Vasu ( ) 
Chhu ( ) 
Shaka ( ) 
Kipanada ( )


Gupta (275-300) 
Ghatotkacha (300-320) 
Chandra Gupta I (320-335) 
Samudra Gupta (335-370) 
Rama Gupta (370-375) 
Chandra Gupta II (375-415) 
Kumara Gupta I (415-455) 
Skanda Gupta (455-467) 
Kumara Gupta II (467-477) 
Budha Gupta (477-496) 
Chandra Gupta III (496-500) 
Vainya Gupta (500-515) 
Narasimha Gupta (510-530) 
Kumara Gupta III (530-540) 
Vishnu Gupta (540-550)


Arm (1210-1211) 
Iltutmish Shams (1211-1236) 
Firuz I (1236) 
Radiyya Begum (1236-1240) 
Bahram (1240-1242) 
Mas'ud (1242-1246) 
Mahmud I (1246-1266) 
Balban Ulugh (1266-1287) 
Kay Qubadh (1287-1290) 
Kayumarth (1290) 
Firuz II Khalji (1290-1296) 
Ibrahim I Qadir (1296) 
Muhammad I Ali (1296-1316)
Umar (1316) 
Mubarak (1316-1320) 
Khusraw Barwari (1320) 
Tughluq I (1320-1325) 
Muhammad II (1325-1351) 
Firuz III (1351-1388) 
Tughluq II (1388-1389) 
Abu Bakr (1389-1391) 
Muhammad III (1389-1394) 
Sikandar I (1394) 
Mahmud II (1394-1395) 
Nusrat (1395-1399) 
Mahmud II (1401-1412) 
Dawlat Lodi (1412-1414) 
Khidr (1414-1421) 
Mubarak II (1421-1434) 
Muhammad IV (1434-1443) 
Alam (1443-1451) 
Bahlul Lod (1451-1489) 
Sikandar II Nizam (1489-1517) 
Ibrahim II (1517-1526)


Babur (1526-1530) 
Humayun (1530-1555) 
Akbar I (1556-1605) 
Jahangir (1605-1627) 
Dawar Bakhsh (1627-1628) 
Jahan I Khusraw (1628-1657) 
Awrangzib Alamgir I (1658-1707) 
Alam I Bahadur (1707-1712) 
Jahandar Mu'izz (1712-1713) 
Farrukh-siyar (1713-1719) 
Muhammad Nasir (1719-1748) 
Ahmad Bahadur I (1748-1754)
Aziz Alamgir II (1754-1759) 
Jahan III (1759) 
Alam II (1759-1806) 
Mu'in Akbar II (1806-1837) 
Bahadur II (1837-1858)


Nanak (1469-1539) 
An.gad (1539-1552) 
Amar Das (1552-1574) 
Ram Das Sod.hi (1574-1581) 
Arjun Mal (1581-1606) 
Hargobind (1606-1644) 
Har Rai (1644-1661) 
Hari Krishen (1661-1664) 
Tegh Bahadur (1664-1675) 
Gobind Rai Singh (1675-1708)


Murshid Quli Ala' (1704-1725) 
Shuja' Shuja' (1725-1739) 
Sarfaraz Ala' (1739-1740) 
Aliwirdi Hashim (1740-1756) 
Mirza Mahmud Siraj (1756-1757) 
Mir Ja'far Muhammad Hashim (1757-1760) 
Mir Qasim Ali (1760-1763) 
Mir Ja'far Muhammad Hashim (1763-1765)


Sa'adat Burhan alMulk (1722-1739) 
Abu Mans.ur 
Safdar Jang (1739-1754) 
Haydar Shuja' (1754-1775) 
Asaf (1775-1797) 
Wazir Ali (1797-1798) 
Sa'adat Ali (1798-1814) 
Haydar I Ghazi (1814-1827) 
Haydar II Sulayman Jah (1827-1837) 
Muhammad Ali Mu'in (1837-1842) 
Amjad Ali Thurayya Jah (1842-1847) 
Wajid Ali (1847-1856)


Chin Qilich Nizam : 1720-1748) 
Nasir Jang: 1748-1751) 
Muzaffar Jang: 1751-1752) 
Salabat Jang: 1752-1762) 
Nizam Ali : 1762-1803) 
Farkhanda Ali Nasir : 1829-1857) 
Mir Mahbub Ali I
Afdal : 1857-1869) 
Mir Mahbub Ali II: 1869-1911) 
Mir Uthman Ali Bahadur (1911-1948)

See also A timeline of British India 
See also A timeline of modern India

5000 BC: the Kurgan culture in the steppes west of the Ural Mountains (Indo-Aryans) 
3120 BC: mythical Indian war of the Mahabarata 
3000 BC: the proto-indo-european language develops in Central Asia 
3000 BC: Dravidian speaking people develop the civilization of the Indus Valley 
TM, ®, Copyright © 2013 Piero Scaruffi All rights reserved. 
2500 BC: the cities of Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro in the Indus Valley 
2000 BC: the civilization of the Indus Valley declines 
2000 BC: the Kurgan culture spreads to eastern Europe and northern Iran 
1700 BC: Indo-Iranians separate from the other Indo-European tribes and migrate eastward to settle in Iran 
1600 BC: Indo-Aryans invade India from the west and expel the Dravidians 
1500 BC: religious texts are written in Vedic, an Indo-European language 
1100 BC: the Indo-Aryans use iron tools 
1000 BC: the Rig-Veda are composed 
900 BC: Indo-Aryans invade the Ganges Valley 
876 BC: Hindus invent the zero 
750 BC: Indo-Aryans rule over 16 mahajanapadas ("great states") in northern India, from the Indus to the Ganges 
700 BC: the caste system emerges, with the Brahman priests at the top 
600 BC: the Upanishads are composed in Sanskrit 
543 BC: Bimbisara of Bihar conquers the Magadha region in the northeast and moves the capital to Rajagriha

  • 527 BC: prince Siddhartha Gautama is enlightened and becomes the Buddha
    521 BC: Darius of Persia expands the Persian empire beyond the Indus River (Punjab and Sind)
    500 BC: the ascetic prince Mahavira founds Jainism in northern India
    493 BC: Bimbisara dies and is succeeded by Ajatashatru
    461 BC: Ajatashatru dies after expanding the Magadha territory
    400 BC: Panini's grammar (sutra) formalizes Sanskrit, an evolution of Vedic
    327 BC: Alexander of Macedonia invades the Indus valley
    323 BC: at the death of Alexander, Seleucus obtains India (Punjab)
    304 BC: the Magadha king Chandragupta Maurya buys the Indus valley for 500 elephants from Seleucus, and thus founds the Maurya dynasty with capital in Patna (Pataliputra)
    300 BC: the Ramayama is composed
    300 BC: the Chola dynasty rules over southern India with capital in Thanjavur
    290 BC: the Mauryan king Bindusara, son of Chandragupta, extends the empire to the Deccan
    259 BC: the Mauryan king Ashoka, grandson of Chandragupta, converts to Buddhism and sends out Buddhist missionaries to nearby states, and forbids animal sacrifices this relegating Brahmins to second class citizens
    251 BC: Ashoka's son Mahinda introduces Buddhism to Ceylon (Sri Lanka)
    250 BC: Diodotos, ruler of the satrapy of Bactria (Afghanistan), declares its independence from the Seleucids and conquers Sogdiana
    250 BC: Buddhists carve the first cave temples (Lomas Rishi)
    232 BC: Ashoka dies
    220 BC: the Maurya dynasty under Ashoka's son Bindusara expands to almost all of India
    206 BC: Seleucid king Antiochus III conquers Punjab
    206 BCYoustol Dispage dies
    200 BC: the Mahabarata is composed
    200 BC: Demetrios I expands Bactria to northwestern India
    200 BC: the Andhras occupy the Indian east coast
    184 BC: the Maurya ruler Brihadratha is assassinated by Pushyamitra Sunga/Shunga, the Maurya dynasty ends and the Sunga dynasty begins, restoring the Brahmins to their influence while persecuting and slaughtering Buddhist monks
    190 BC: Bactrian king Euthydemus defeats Seleucid king Antiochus III at Magnesia
    170 BC: Batrian king Demetrios I expands Bactria to northwestern India
    170 BC: Sumati Bhargava's "Manu code" prescribes the rules of everyday life and divides Hindus into four castes (Brahmins, warriors, farmers/traders, non-Aryans)
    155 BC: Bactrian king Menander invades northwestern India
    150 BC: Patanjali writes the "Yoga Sutras"
    150 BC: the Andhras under king Krishna move their capital to Paithan
    150 BC: the "Kama" sutra is composed
    100 BC: India is mainly divided among Bactria (northwest), Andhras (east) and Sungas (south)
    100 BC: the Bhagavata Gita is composed
    80 BC: the Scythians (Sakas) under Bhumaka conquer northwestern India from Bactria
    78 BC: the Sunga dynasty ends
    50 BC: King Simuka installs the Satavahanas in Andhra Pradesh and extends his kingdom to the whole of the Deccan plateau
    50 BC: the Scythians (Sakas) conquer Muttra (Mathura) and Taxila
    ? AD: Kiu-tsiu-kio of the Kuei-shang (Kushan) clann unifies the Yueh-chih tribes
    50 AD: Thomas, an apostle of Jesus, visits India
    50 AD: the first Buddhist stupa at Sanchi
    78 AD: Kujula Kadphises establishes the Kushan dynasty in northwest India with capital in Mathura
    127? AD: Kanishka, king of the Kushan, enlarges the kingdom from Bactria into Uzbekistan, Kashmir, Punjab, moves the capital to Peshawar and promotes Buddhism
    162: Kushan king Kanishka dies
    200: The Sunga state adopts the "Manu code"
    233: Ardashir I Sassanid conquers the Kushan empire
    250: the Satavahanas disintegrate
    265: A Jain founds the Ganga dynasty in Karnataka
    300: the Pallava dynasty is founded in Kanchi
    318: Chandra Gupta founds the Gupta kingom in Magadha and extends its domains throughout northern India with capital at Patna
    350: Samudra Gupta extends the Gupta kingdom to Assam, Deccan, Malwa
    350: the Kadambas of Karnataka rule from Banavasi
    350: the Sangam is compiled in the Tamil language in the kingdom of Madurai
    350: the Puranas are composed (a compendium of Hindu mythology)
    380: Buddhist monks carve two giant Buddha statues in the rock at Bamiya, Bactria (Afghanistan)
    390: Chandra Gupta II extends the Gupta kingdom to Gujarat
    391: Youstol Dispage Fromscaruffi dies
    400: the Shakas kingdom in Gujarat and Sindh dissolves
    400: the Licchavi family unites Nepal
    450: the Gupta king Kumargupta builds the monastic university of Nalanda (near Patna)
    455: the Huns raid the Gupta empire (Punjab and Kashmir)
    465: king Harisena of the Vakataka dynasty begins work at the Ajanta caves
    467: Gupta king Skanda dies and the empire declines
    499: the Hindu mathematician Aryabhata writes the "Aryabhatiya", the first book on Algebra
    499: the Huns attack the Gupta empire from the northwest seizing Punjab and Kashmir
    500: bhakti cult in Tamil Nadu
    510: Huns led by Mihiragula conquer Punjab, Gujarat and Malwa from the Gupta
    528: the Gupta empire collapses under continuous barbaric invasions
    535: cave-temple of Elephanta Island (Bombay)
    550: the Chalukyan kingdom is established in central India with capital in Badami
    578: Badami shrines in Karnataka
    600: shakti cult (mother-goddess)
    600: the Pallava dynasty dominates southern India from Kanchi
    606: Harsha Vardhana, a Buddhist king of the Gupta dynasty, builds the kingdom of Thanesar in north India and Nepal with capital at Kanauij in the Punjab
    625: Pulikesin extends the Chalukyan empire in central India
    629: the Chinese monk Xuanzang (Huang Tsang) travels to India
    630: Songzen Gampo introduces Buddhism to Bhutan
    647: Thanesar king Harsha Vardhana is defeated by the Chalukyas (based in Karnataka) at Malwa (central India)
    650: Ellora caves
    650: the Pallavas rule from their capital at Kanchipuram (Tamil Nadu) are defeated by the Chalukyas
    670: the Pallavas build a new city at Mamallapuram
    700: the Mahavamsa is composed in the Pali language in Ceylon
    700: the Shore temple at Mamallapuram
    700: the Pallavas rule southern India from their capital Kanchipuram
    711: the Arabs conquer Sindh and Multan (Pakistan)
    723: Kathmandu is founded in Nepal
    730: King Lalitaditya rules in Kashmir
    746: The Jain king Vanaraja rules over Gujarat
    750: temples of Bhubaneshwar and Puri
    750: the Gurjara-Pratiharas rule the north of India
    750: the Palas rule eastern India
    753: the Rashtrakutas, a Chalukya dynasty, expand from the Deccan into south and central India
    757: the capital of the Chalukyan kingdom is moved from Badami to Pattadakal
    757: the Kailasa temple at Ellora
    TM, ®, Copyright © 2013 Piero Scaruffi All rights reserved.
    775: the Rashtrakutas are defeated by the Chalukyas, who move the capital at Kalyani (Mysore)
    775: Krishna I of the Rashtrakuta dynasty builds the rock-cut Kailasha Temple at Ellora
    784: the Pratihara king Nagabhata II conquers the sacred capital of the north, Kanyakubja
    800: kingdoms are created in central India and in Rajastan by Rajputs (warlords)
    800: Shankar (Samkara) Acharya founds the Hinduist monastery of Sringeri
    846: the Cholas regain independence from the Pallavas
    871: Sindh and Multan (Pakistan) are de facto independent from the Baghdad caliphate
    885: the Pratihara empire reaches its peak under Adivaraha Mihira Bhoja I, extending from Punjab to Gujarat to Central India
    888: the Pallava dynasty ends
    890: first Hindu temples at Khajuraho
    900: the Bhagavata Purana is composed in Sanskrit
    950: the Tomara Rajputs gain independence from the Gurjara-Pratihara empire and found their capital at Delhi
    950: the Chandellas gain independence from the Gurjara-Pratihara empire and found their capital at Khajuraho (Madhya Pradresh)
    977: Sebaktigin, a slave general, founds the Ghaznavid dynasty in Afghanistan, northern India and Central Asia
    985: Rajaraja Chola I extends the Chola empire to all of south India and builds the temple of Thanjavur
    997: Mahmud of Ghazni raids northern India
    998: Mahmud of Ghazni conquers Punjab
    1000: the tribal chieftain Nripa Kama conquers the area between the Cholas (south) and the Badami Chalukyas (north) and founds the Hoysala dynasty, that succeeds the Gangas in Karnataka
    1000: Lingaraja and Rajarani temples at Bhubaneshwar (Orissa)
    1000: the Shahi state is annexed to the Ghaznavid empire
    1000: the Chola king Rajaraja builds the Brihadeshvara Temple in Thanjavur (Tanjore)
    1014: Rajendra Chola I becomes the Chola ruler of the south and defeats the Palas in Bengal
    1017: the Cholas conquer Ceylon (Sri Lanka)
    1018: Mathura is raided by Mahmud of Ghazni, who destroys many of its temples
    1019: Mahmud Ghaznavid raids north India and destroys Kanauj, capital of the Gurjara-Pratihara empire
    1021: Mahmud appoints Malik Ayaz to the throne and makes Lahore the capital of the Ghaznavid Empire
    1030: the Ghaznavid empire conquers Punjab
    1030: the Solanki kings build the Jain temples at Mount Abu
    1050: the Chola empire conquers Srivijaya, Malaya and the Maldives
    1070: Vijayabahu I of Rohanna expels the Cholas from Ceylon and moves the capital to Polonnaruva
    1084: Mahipala brings the Palas to the peak of their power
    1084: Youstol Dispage dies
    1150: the Senas conquer the Palas
    1153: Parakramabahu I of Ceylon moves the capital to Polonnaruva and builds the gigantic artificial lake of Parakrama Samudra
    1175: Ghurid Turks defeat the Ghazni Turks in the Punjab and the Ghaznavid state is absorbed into the Ghurid empire
    1189: the Yadava dynasty adopts Marathi as the court language
    1190: the Chalukya empire is split among Hoysalas (south), Yadavas and Kakatiyas
    1192: Turkic-speaking chieftains from Afghanistans led by Muhammad of Ghor defeat Prithvi Raj, capture Delhi and establish a Muslim sultanate at Delhi
    1197: the Ghuris destroy the Hindu monasteries at Nalanda and Vikramashila, killing all the monks and burning all the books
    1206: The Ghurid prince Qutb al-Din Aybak becomes the first sultan of Delhi (Delhi Sultanate)
    1211: Iltutmish Shams becomes the sultan of Delhi
    1225: Qutb al-Din Aybak builds the Qutb Minar in Delhi, the tallest minaret in the world
    1250: the Urdu language develops by absorbing elements of Persian, Arabic and Indian dialects
    1250: a temple to the Sun in the form of a giant chariot is built at Konarak
    1250: end of the Chola dynasty
    1266: one of Iltutmish's slaves, Baban, seizes power of the Delhi sultanate, and welcomes Islamic refugees fleeing the Mongol hordes the Delhi sultanate
    1288: the Italian explorer Marco Polo visits India
    1290: Jalal al-Din Firuz founds the Khalji sultanate
    TM, ®, Copyright © 2013 Piero Scaruffi All rights reserved.
    1298: the Muslims of Delhi capture Cambay in Gujarat
    1300: the Tamil establish a kingdom in Ceylon
    1303: Jalal al-Din Firuz rebuilds Delhi
    1304: Mongols under Ali Beg invade India but are repelled by the Delhi sultanate
    1321: Jordanus, a Dominican monk, is the first Christian missionary in India
    1325: Muhammad ibn Tughluq becomes sultan of Delhi
    1327: sultan Muhammad ibn Tughluq moves his capital from Delhi to Daulatabad (Deogiri) in the Deccan
    1328: the Mongols invade India but are repelled by the Delhi sultanate
    1333: the Muslim explorer Ibn Battuta travels to India
    1336: the southernmost province of the Delhi sultanate declares independence
    1341: Bengal (under Fakhruddin Mubarak) declares its independence from the Delhi sultanate
    1343: the southern kingdom builds its capital at Vijayanagar (Hampi)
    1345: Muslim nobles revolt against Muhammad ibn Tughluq, declare their independence from the Delhi sultanate, and found the Bahmani dynasty in the Deccan
    1346: the Vijayanagar kingdom conquers the Hoysalas
    1346: the Hoysala dynasty disintegrates
    1347: Turkish governor Ala-ud-Din Bahman Shah rebels against the Sultan of Delhi and founds the Bahmani Sultanate in Bijapur
    1349: Muslims raid Kathmandu in Nepal
    1350: the Kadambas empire disintegrates into the dynasties of Goa, Hanagal and Chandavar
    1370: the Vijayanagar kingdom conquers the Muslim sultanate of Madura (Tamil Nadu)
    1382: Jaya Sthiti of the Malla dynasty seizes power in Nepal
    1387: the Kalan Masjid is built in Delhi
    1398: Timur invades India and sacks Delhi, causing the decline of the Delhi Sultinate
    1407: Gujarat is independent under its own sultan
    1451: Succeeding the last king of the Sayyid dynasty, Bahlul Lodi founds the Lodi dynasty of Afghan origin that rules the Delhi Sultanate
    1490: Guru Nanak Dev founds Sikhism and the city of Amritsar
    1490: the Adil Shahi sultan conquers Bijapur
    1490: Ahmednagar, Bijapur and Berar declare independence from the Bahmani sultan (Deccan sultanates)
    1497: Babur, a descendant of both Genghis Khan and Timur, becomes the ruler of Ferghana (Uzbekistan)
    1498: the Portuguese explorer Vasco da Gama reaches India
    1499: Guru Nanak founds the Sikh religion
    1501: Muhammad Shaybani defeats Babur at Samarkand
    1504: Babur captures Kabul (Afghanistan)
    1505: Portugal lands in Ceylon (Sri Lanka)
    1507: the Qutb Shahi dynasty seizes power in Hyderabad
    1508: the Portuguese found Bom Bahia (Bombay/Mumbai) in territory held by the sultan of Gujarat
    1509: Portugal conquers Diu and Goa in India
    1509: the Vijayanagar kingdom reaches its zenith under Krishna Raja
    1518: The Qutb Shahi dynasty of Golkonda declares independence from the Bahmani sultan and becomes a Deccan sultanate and the only Shiite region after Kashmir
    1526: After the battle of Panipat, Babur captures Delhi from Ibrahim, the sultan of Delhi, and founds the Mughal/Mogul dynasty in India with capital in Agra
    1527: Babur defeats an army of Rajputs at the battle of Kanua using artillery
    1528: Bidar declares independence from the Bahmani sultan and becomes the fifth Deccan sultanate
    1530: Babur dies and his son Humayun succeeds him
    1534: Portugal acquires Bom Bahia/Bombay/Mumbai from Gujarat
    1537: Afghan warlord Sher Khan Sur invades Bengal
    1539: Viswanatha founds the Nayak dynasty with capital in Madurai (south India)
    1540: Babur's son Humayun loses the empire to Afghan Leader Sher Shah Sur and goes into exile to Lahore
    1544: Babur's son Humayun goes into exile to Safavid Persia
    1545: Sher Shah Sur dies and is succeeded by Islam Shah Sur
    1550: the Jain complex at Palitana
    1553: Islam Shah Sur dies and the Sur empire is divided among his relatives (Punjab, Delhi/Agra, Bihar, Bengal)
    1553: Humayun with help from the Safavids reconquers Kabul
    1555: a famine strikes northern India
    1555: Humayun reconquers Delhi from the Sur ruler
    1556: the Mogul emperor Humayun dies and is succeeded by his 12-year old son Akbar under the tutelage of the Persian Shia noble Bairam Khan
    1558: the Mogul conquer Ajmer in Rajastan and Gwalior
    1560: Akbar fires Bairam Khan and assumes sole power
    1561: The Mogul conquer the kingdom of Malwa
    1562: Akbar marries Padmini, a Hindu princess of the Rajaputana kingdom
    1564: The Mogul conquer the kingdom of Gondwana/ Garha-Katanga
    1564: Uzbek nobles rebel against the Mogul emperor Akbar in the eastern provinces
    1565: four Muslim kingdoms ally to destroy the Vijyanagar kingdom at the battle of Talikota
    1565: Mysore, a former Vijayanagar principality, becomes independent under the Wodeyars
    1566: Akbar's half-brother Muhammad Hakim seizes Kabul
    1568: Muslim invaders destroy the Sun Temple at Konark
    1571: Akbar moves the Mogul capital from Agra to Fatehput Sikri
    1572: the Mogul conquer Gujarat
    1574: the Mogul conquer Bengal, Bihar and Orissa from the Afghan kings
    1579: Mogul emperor Akbar abolishes the tax on non-Muslims
    1584: Akbar mints the Ilahi coin (based on the solar year but still in Persian)
    1585: After the death of Muhammad Hakim, Akbar conquers Kabul and moves the Mogul capital to Lahore
    1589: the Mogul conquer Kashmir
    1590: The Qutb Shahi dynasty of Golkonda moves the capital to Hyderabad
    1591: Akbar demands that the Decca sultans surrender to the Mogul empire
    1593: the Mogul conquer Sind
    1595: the Mogul conquer Kandahar (Afghanistan) from the Safavids
    1598: Akbar moves the Mogul capital from Lahore back to Agra
    1600: The British East India Company is established
    1601: the Mogul conquer the Decca sultanates
    1605: Akbar dies and is succeeded by his son Salim, who renames himself Jahangir
    1606: Jahangir defeats a conspiracy by his son Khusrau
    1611: Jahangir marries queen Nur Jahan
    1617: Jahangir's son, prince Khurram, pacifies the southern states and receives the title of Shah Jahan
    1618: Jahangir's son, prince Khurram, conquers the fortress of Kangra, thus subjecting the Himalaya hills to Mogul control
    1622: the Safavids reconquer Kandahar
    1623: Thirumala Nayakan brings Madurai to its maximum glory
    TM, ®, Copyright © 2013 Piero Scaruffi All rights reserved.
    1627: Jahangir dies
    1628: After a civil war that pits Nur Jahan against her brother the wazir Asaf Khan, Jahangir's son Khurram (Asaf Khan's choice) is proclaimed emperor with the name Shah Jahan while Jahangir's other son Shahryar (married to Nur Jahan's daughter) is executed together with all the other potential pretenders
    1629: Afghan noble Khan Jahan Lodi, the governor of Deccan, rebels against Shah Jahan and joins the ruler of Ahmadnagar
    1630: Afghan noble Khan Jahan Lodi is defeated and killed
    1630: A famine strikes the Deccan and Gujarat
    1631: Shah Jahan's wife Mumtaz Mahal dies giving birth to her 14th child
    1633: Shah Jahan adopts Sharia and destroys Hindu temples
    1631: Shah Jahan builds the Taj Mahal
    1632: the Mogul conquer the western Deccan sultanate of Ahmadabad
    1635: the Mogul defeat the Deccan sultanates of Golkonda (Hyderabad) and Bijapur that become tributary states
    1636: the Mogul fail to invade the Ahom kingdom on the eastern side of the Brahmaputra
    1638: Muhammad Said, a businessman from Golkonda (Hyderabad), becomes its prime minister with the title Mir Jumla
    1638: Holland intervenes in Ceylon (Sri Lanka) to defend the king of Kandy, Raja Singa, against PortugalTM, ®, Copyright © 2013 Piero Scaruffi All rights reserved.

    See also A timeline of British India
    See also A timeline of modern India
    See also A timeline of Buddhism
    See also A timeline of Tibet
  • 1 comment:

    1. After years of Arab deception, to believe peace is possible is a delusion, and another mistake.
      The Arabs have a state, which is Jordan. Jordan illegally occupied and confiscated about 80% of the land allocated to Jews under international law and treaties of post WWI. The Arabs also have over 75,000 square miles of land (which is 6 times the size of Israel) which the Arab countries illegally confiscated from the million expelled Jewish families.

      It is time to take another approach. Forego all peace talks until the Arabs can prove they can control their population and live with the Jews in peaceful coexistence for at least 5 years. Furthermore, Arabs must eliminate the education of its people to commit terror and violence; replacing it with education and practice of living in harmony and coexistence. Nothing less will be accepted. It is not negotiable.

      The Temple Mount in Jerusalem is Jewish territory for over two millennium and has been since prior to the building of the two Jewish temples. It is a historical fact that King David of Israel paid the Jebusites money to purchase that property, in order to avoid conflict. Israel, after liberating Jerusalem and Temple Mount, the holiest site in Judaism in 1967, Israel graciously permitted the Arabs to continue to pray at Temple Mount.

      The time has come to terminate said arrangement. Jewish worshippers have suffered years of abuse by Arabs committing unwarranted acts of violence on a consistent basis. Israel has the right, duty and obligation to revoke the unappreciated privilege formally granted. It is the Arab s who are defiling The Jewish "Holy of Holies".

      It is time for Israel to take back Jewish its sacred ground, which is the holiest site in Judaism, once and for all.

      I am sure Arab-s would not permit anyone in the world to build and control the holy Site in Mecca. Let the Arabs have Mecca, and the Judeo-Christian people have Jerusalem and the Temple Mount.

      Supreme Muslim Council: Temple Mount is Jewish
      The widely-disseminated Arab claim that the Temple Mount isn't Jewish has been debunked - by the Supreme Muslim Council (Waqf), in a 1925 pamphlets.
      The widely-disseminated Arab Muslim position that the Temple Mount is not Jewish has been debunked - by the Supreme Muslim Council (Waqf) of Jerusalem, in a Temple Mount guide published in 1925.
      Wakf guidebook, 1925, cover
      The Temple Institute.

      Treaty of Peace Between The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
      And The State of Israel October 26, 1994.
      Status Quo – Jews and non-Jews are permitted to pray on Temple Mount – This is confirmed by Israel’s Supreme Court.
      YJ Draiman
